Yet more images on sale on EBay. Experimenting by putting some larger images on there for £3 and £5 but the first two on this entry are still smaller images at 99p.
The first image depicting the sensation of the body shutting down but the mind remaining active. The ability to feel and observe everything around us without organic self distraction. Entirely suffused in the infinite dribbling of the world's movement.
The red line along the centre is part of the self pushing through the fog of total awareness. Dried lips ready to open and gasp for air - flawed survival instinct?
Which leads into this image - the ''escape'' from this overbearing everything into a localised brain and body that is part of this opening.... leading to once more being shut in. Confines of the personality and the degrading of limbs. Trapped in something limited and searching for some self definition.
Back to work again on Monday, I need to tidy up and eat and sleep and to become something decent and ordinary. My parameters are something comfortable if inconvenient.
31 years in total there has been a grating dissatisfaction and incomprehension. Chemicals pooling and blood pumping through an inefficient and questioning mechanism. The attempt to fight against this - to state with absolute clarity ''this isn't enough for me''.
Losing and already lost. Problem with losing is that life doesn't let you finish the game and go to bed ready for something different in the morning. The challenges never go away.
It becomes less about winning and losing. War is an irrelevance to the real mission. Reasons nullified. Purposes, wants and ambitions are now simply characteristics made two dimensional and stuck in a self made queue. This is simple and essentially better. The world and me are shaking hands.
nice work :)