I have some kind of primative prejudice against using computers too much in the creation of my work. All the textures and shapes in the image above are derived from abstract animations I made years ago printed out in black and white and then recollaged together again in different permutations - so technically the source material of the above image was in itself a digital image - though also the animations were (mostly) derived from pictures I made physically so they have never been entirely computer generated.... still... I have been using computers to aid the production of my artwork for years now so I have no reason for my silly prejudice and simply must accept that it's something that I use quite a lot and there's no reason why I shouldn't allow myself to use them more. Especially if it's in aid of making much better physical artwork. The above is not too far removed from a normal collage anyway - it's still all cut and pasted, shrunk and darkened in places. All of this I could achieve physically though it would take me several trips to a photocopier, lots of black marker pen and tonnes of wasted paper. So making it this way actually makes slightly more sense. I can later print this at any size I like and then augment and develop it through physical methods scissors and glue - therefore coming full circle.
The above are four samples of another digital enhancement.
After finding a full colour photocopy of nothing discarded on the floor (image here (15.5.12)) I scanned this photocopy and recoloured it through photoshop. These are now ready to be printed and used on future images.
This is me admitting myself partially into the computer world... even though I was already there anyway.
Finally I'll leave you on some working titles for some images to be made once I've sorted out a desk in my new flat - suppose I could call the desk my "studio space" and call my work "my practice" if I wanted to be a little bit more arty sounding. Thing is I don't. Anyway the working titles for some designed on post it note images are:
1: Disorganised shambling organic mass (mess) aspires to be incandescent multicoloured light (life) form.
2: A green light at death forces us into forever.
3: Control mechanism at the centre of everything manifests itself in collapsing chasms.