The images in this entry have a little bit less red in them than last time. I will be doing my usual non analysis of each image and I'll try my absolute best to make my statements as irrelevant as possible to the artwork featured here.
Irrelevance is a completely subjective idea anyway. Calling something irrelevant is quite a lazy way of avoiding an issue and making out like you're own concerns are more important than others. Whilst calling someones concerns subjective is a great way to make someones opinions seem pithy and pointless. So let's be fair to ourselves, perhaps all of our opinions and subjective viewpoints are very much irrelevant to everything that is at stake right now.
''But what's at stake Garth? Go on tell us. We are very fascinated by your irrelevant subjective viewpoint on whatever issue it is you're actually writing about.''
The problem at stake here is something much vaster than our comprehension. A bleeding, bleating, eating mass of constant forever. So forget the biological. Forget the political. Forget the horrible real world issues that are going on. The murder of innocents, the abuse of animals. Forget all of that and let's all have a little think about existential angst.
''But all those real world issues that we are supposed to be forgetting shouldn't really be forgotten about. I'm not sure why you feel that ignoring those things is such a good idea. What exactly do you think will be solved by delving into your school play equivalent to the theatre of the absurd.''
I'm not entirely sure what sort of point I was trying to make. I think I was trying to satirise myself and make myself seem ridiculous. That's why I started writing responses to myself in quotation marks as if my audience were talking to me.
''And how much of an audience do you think you really have? Honestly you're pretty dense sometimes. I think you spend too much time on your own. Typing at yourself like that. What are you? Crazy? Bet you wish you were crazy as at least then you might be interesting. It's very sad that's what it is. And then you have the nerve to joke about forgetting about real life issues just so you can satirise yourself and try to bring down the great existential figures that you'll never amount to.''
But I just wanted some writing to put between all these pictures that I've posted on here. That's what I do everytime, I write stuff between the pictures.
''Well at least you've achieved that. With a little bit of help from me of course. What of these other people? The ones visiting your so called Blog. How many of them do you think trawl through you're writing and how many do you think just look at the pretty pictures?''
I'm not sure if any of them look at the pretty pictures very much either. Not for long anyway.
''Why are you still typing? You've managed to write something below every picture now. Thank God you only put four images on here this time otherwise we'd be here all day. Go on then. Do something else. Yes that's right. Get hoovering you freak.''
Now there's no need for name calling is there?