Tuesday 23 November 2010


At the moment this is my most recent collage. It's a sequence of five interweaving A2 size pieces of paper. I'm thinking to frame it using clip frames and a long curtain rail.  I'm slightly tempted to continue the sequence and see how it progresses, as this piece has a narrative, like a story board, it conveys that something is happening and various factors are influencing other elements.  Quite simple. The circle falls apart from due to a rise of energy - light and/or temperature is in it's atmosphere and the matter involved is converted into new shapes and patterns.

Isn't that exciting? The old story of circular construct getting more energy, then disintegrating and leaving a waste product of hands and faces falling upwards and downwards and accumulating like sediment on the inside edges of unwashed cups and saucers.

So there it is.  Simple.  Except not really.  But I think that good art is made to look simple.  This work isn't as simplistic as I make it out to be.  It actually took quite a bit of thought, and I almost didn't bother finishing it because I found myself being given an exhibition next year all to myself and I need to work out precisely what I'm doing so it was very tempting to just not bother completing or even considering this sequence of works.  I may decide to carry it on further and further until it becomes some kind of 21st Century Waterlilies but instead of depicting waterlilies it's depicting the breaking down and displacement of clotted cells due to a hydrogen heat (and time) wave.  Hmmm...  Think I've just convinced myself to do more.  But then again where does the story go from here.  Should I show the construction of a civilisation.  If you look at the last image you can actually see life evolving, weird structures and suggestions of spinal columns forming in the ashy leftovers.  Is there a chance of this becoming something organic and choatic before all of progressively become structured but in a very deluded way.  It could all be some sort of not very subtle metaphor of life and the whole big bang shebang. 

Well it's good to know that one thing leads into another, and that it all kind of bleeds together into some seismic irrelevance.  I actually have so many other projects on my hands I can imagine this being something that I could keep carrying on with on when I reach an impass with any of my other projects.  Something that I can approach in a relaxed way, because if it seems to go on forever there's no point in setting myself any impossible deadlines stretching away into the infinite.  That would be like stressing over the all together uncontrollable inertia of actually realising that I'm a breathing thing doing things on a big spinning thing.

1 comment:

  1. I think I wanna see it in person, it looks like it'd be quite magnificent
