I've been embroiled in a bobble hat design contest for the last few days. The deadline is 15th August. I am thinking that if I design 100 bobble hats then they are sure to pick at least one of them. Not sure but perhaps likely.... though I do wonder if maybe it makes it less likely.
"Who is this psycho who sent us 100 bobble hat designs?"
"Whatever you do, don't encourage him, don't let any of them win."
I am wondering if I should cut my designs down to 50 or perhaps 30... but contain within each design several colour variants... so I will be submitted 200 designs in the guise of 30 designs.
It is an enjoyable project and allows me to use Microsoft Paint again.
24 - 26.07
Through conversation sometimes ideas are developed. Perhaps the faster the conversation the quicker the ideas are developed. I have difficulty keeping track of ideas or where they came from. Some ideas happen years after. Slow ideas. Some never happen at all. I have an idea for a stage performance which utlizes a photocopier. I would photocopy clothes and pieces of skin. All essential aspects of my exterior personality. The things that we use to sell ourselves. The reason why some people are completely unengaging is due to the fact that the way they choose to sell themselves is bad. Sorry if that sounds superficial. This law extends beyond the physical and in the way that people talk and behave. If their lie isn't even believed by themselves then that lie isn't worth telling. There is a crack in their projection showing the screaming useless baby underneath. They are inadequate at dealing with the challenges of the world. Anyway, my stage performance would be a way of stripping away all my weapons and defenses. Almost a form of psychic suicide... wherein all exterior boundaries are disintegrated and all that would be left at the end would be bones.
"Hey, did you hear? Garth Simmons is dead?"
"How did he die?"
"I don't know how that goofball freak did this but, hey, I gotta tell ya. He managed to cut himself into one of his own collages. Started out by flaying all the skin from his body and cutting and stapling it to the walls all random and shit. Then I guess he just lay down on the floor and started cutting out his internal organs. Throwing them all over the pavement... someone told me he was throwing about his intestine for a few minutes... trying to make sure it landed in the right shape. I guess it was his last ever piece of artwork"
"Was it any good?"
"I didn't really see it well... too many ambulances around it... but what I did see it just looked sort of like all his other work."
"Poor fella.... Gee whizz.... I'll sure miss throwing stones at that pasty faced goofball. So this erm.. last piece he made... makes him seem kinda... well... I dunno... self indulgent? Serious?"
"Yeah. Maybe. I just reckon that boy needed to eat more vegetables."
27 - 28.07
29 - 30.07
11 months and 2 days left

My budgeting plan is going well... or that's what I like to tell myself. I think at the end of this I might be a really fancy and elaborate suit... and/or get my teeth done. I think the only way to celebrate 12 months of intensive budgeting is to be very extravagent at the end of it. Either that or carry on budgeting for another year or two and then buy a house at the end of it... or invest what I've saved in the stock market.
31.07 - 02.08
I created a folder of folders of image files and each folder is rooted back to one single final folder wherein the final pdfs are going to be stored... all directions through the folders lead to the final folder. The source of my objective is the eventual conclusion. Working backwards from the future. Careful planning. Organization. Architecture. Whoosh! Circular trajectory.
I reach the end of my bobble hat design contest. All work has been submitted. I took a photo of one of my designs on my phone. It was a photo of my computer screen. It ended up looking like this. All 3D and exciting. The lovely thing about technology and art is that things accidentally feed from one thing to another... so my 2D hat patterns can now become very exciting 3D geometric designs.
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