You'll be able to tell by the writing attached to these images that they cover themes that I'm fairly obsessed with due to me talking about them in many previous blog entries... This one is about the scared faces of incomprehension and the fact that they seem to be everywhere - all of these faces follow their own modes of self definition and fulfillment in the hope that this will lead to some kind of perfection, release or other form of contentment. But that in this maze of ideas you have to keep starting again before following the same routes over and over. Leading to complete self defeat. (I'm not saying I'm any better by the way - anything I write here is my own neurosis projected onto others... which is always good for a laugh)

This is about building up your own self reassurance in order to attempt to hold onto something that feels worthwhile and real - and ignoring your own doubts so you can have a nice time and not worry about some out of proportion part of your body or mind... making a "stain(ed) glass idealisation of yourself" and bordering your life with what you choose to pay attention too. The imagery - like the one before and all of the following - is full of the chaos and fractures that oppose us in attempting to do this.
This one is about communication and empathy and that of when I have moments of connection with other human beings which make me momentarily forget my visceral revulsion of the whole of living matter and see people for who they are - when two people occupy a shared head or shared personality and become almost like one person - if only momentarily... it's an intense focus but at the time takes no effort.
This one continues the communication theme and shows the negative side in that we become needy of that communication to the point where it becomes essential - and that we can accidentally make other people into "stain(ed) glass idealisations". Meaning that they can only disappoint.
And finally we get to the measures many take to attain a connection often at complete loss of themselves and therefore end up in a routine of trying to attain love and acceptance by improbable means...Bit biased - and I know I'm tarring everyone with the same brush - but my preferred example of this is going out at the weekend and trying to meet someone... it's my preferred example because I don't do it anymore and dislike going out in boring clubs and pubs on a Friday or Saturday so by using it as an example I can turn my little box room into a grand and ornate ivory tower where I can look down on everyone else and boast.
Anyway - I think working over the top of copies of previous work is an interesting root as it takes advantage of already existing movements and ideas makes them develop into something much different whilst still retaining something of the original... for me personally this is a constant
becoming with no natural end - and that if this process is repeated constantly and if the images I am producing are eventually amalgamated into each other ceaselessly it will develop something that is new and different whilst adapting itself to my current psychological requirements... so therefore no single piece of art is treated as "finished" but merely as a stepping stone towards something else. When I cook proper food I tend to make stews because I like the blending together of a load of different tastes and textures into one fine gloopy mush- so it's probably the same with art in that I'm not trying to express one particular thing but with any luck eventually working towards a potential culmination where everything mirrors and returns into itself - like a
hyperbola but less mathematical.
What is to be achieved by doing this I'm probably not the best to ask - as I'm only really good at throwing things at one another and hoping they gel together in a complimentary way. Also I'm good at pretending I know what I'm talking about when I don't - and very good at admitting the truth too. I'm bad at a lot of other things - too many to bother listing... I hope to get better at a few of them. The most important would be to get better at self control and stop doing silly things like smoke or eat chicken burgers.