Wednesday 24 October 2012

21.9.12 - 29.8.1

21.9.12 - i have hundreds of business cards more than what I'm ever likely to distribute so thought I could spare a few that were on my desk at work - collaging in the office does get me through a lot of my pointless hours in the call/contact centre.
20.912 - bird.
19.912 - the secret internal clockwork of biology forms a cityscape as unrealistic as it's blood red sun.
18.9.12 - imagining dullness magnified into millions of cells - each with their own unique glow - so the greatness and wonder of singular building blocks are reduced by their togetherness into a inescapable, dull and dreary sameness.  
17.9.12 - respect for the aged day.  A leaking behemoth aims to collect dispersed blocks.
16.9.12 - the place is left quiet and empty - and the people left in the past are now unheard of and unthought of.
15.9.12 - helped to take my younger brother to university which involved boxes, bags and satellite navigation.
14.9.12 -  train tickets make a regular appearance through out this diary - usually to the same places - this marks in history my most recent return to Doncaster.  Quite an event.
13.9.12 -  the circling of hearts in a trail of broken geometry.
12.9.12 - a collage unique in it's incompleteness.  I am starting to learn all about negative spaces.
11.9.12 - cords of questions entwined beneath the carapace of an insect unshocked and unfazed by it's impending  self awareness.

10.9.12 - back to work after my eventful weekend in Scarborough - observe the grey sameness numbing a sense of deep  buried red disdain at my current situation.  The anger ferments but get's balanced out by my evenings at home full of productivity and love.
9.9.12 - we won a toy bug in a penny arcade - and also two soft toy cats.
8.9.12 - was asked to read a poem at my friends wedding - not a poem written by myself but one selected for me... think I did a pretty good job of it, everyone said so anyway - the microphone was quite low down so i had to stoop down to it but i think that allowed me to convey more emotion - like some bizarre acting technique that crouching lower than I was made the speech more humble and heartfelt... anyway it was a lovely wedding and it was great to be so involved in it.  This collage benefited very much from sticking a photograph in about a month after the day.  Just to let you know I don't always make these images as spontaneously as I might have you believe.
7.9.12 - arrived in Scarborough and pretty much saw everything all in one long walk - went to the sea life centre and pointed out how a penguin had escaped from there a few years back.  Went to Terror Towers and saw Michael Myers executed by the Terminator - got very scared by a dinosaur at one point.  Went to pretty much all the charity shops - walked through all the areas I remember being drunk and crazy at when I was at university - can't really imagine how I was ever like that in contrast to who I am now... these days I tend to forgo alcohol and social meet ups in favor of exercising to tv box sets and sticking bits of paper together.  Going out all the time hints at a desperation that I'm really glad I don't have anymore.
6.9.12 - as I had the day off work I tried to fill this page with as many things to do as possible - one of my longest ever to do lists.... and I still got it all done.
5.9.12 - the mountains reflect themselves into underground caverns observed like an ant farm by invisible fingers - moulded stupid and continual into drowning buckets of a inverse continuum.
4.9.12 - the crustacean folds into a ball of impenetrable barriers and lives for a thousand years under molten lava. 

3.9.12 - had my opening at the Leeds Gallery - more details here.

2.9.12 - eggs drift worthless and scorched to compressed ashes through the upper edge of a expanding core.
1.9.12 - fighting back the start of mould and condensation from our windows - the winter is upon us and it ruins our houses.
31.8.12 - the supposed copies combine into new senses and allow me to realize there's no limit to my similarities and that I'm lost - permutating myself over and over into more or less favourable conclusions.

30.8.12 - even though I'm having a week off work I spend it working on  my artwork and delivering it to exhibitions.   There will come a point when this absolutely must start working in my favour and one day I absolutely must be able to quit my day job and go part time.  Click below to help me accomplish this;
29.8.12 - went for a heart scan last year to see if i had the early signs of a hereditary heart disease - I didn't which means that there's no method of preventing it yet - if it was to happen.  This image before reminds me of the scan - probably just because it looks vaguely heart like.

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