Friday, 1 May 2015

24th - 30th April 2015

24th - 26th April:

No.... it is never simple.  I don't think I would be happy with simplicity.  This nutrient bar was very patronizing.  I don't like its tone.


27th - 28th April

I'm quite fortunate to have handwriting that can't actually be read... even so I feel the need to sometimes obscure blur and edit myself.  The difference between a real diary and a faux art blogster diary is that one is private and the other one is public.  Though there still needs to be some kind of reality and honesty to a public chronicle of.... events and things.

Not everything has to be right in front of people though.  I've lived long enough to deserve an interior world.

I'm not letting people (who are not even reading this) take that away.

Simple... isn't it?


29th - 30th April

What is very simple is data entry.  On the last few days of the month I have to process a huge backlog of incoming information so financial projections I don't understand can be made.  This is all very fun and with some cut and paste methods and some very pretty colour coding I can process the work of double the men that I consist of.... so I can do a job that would usually require two people.

This may be because I have a superhuman ability to zone out and go into a nothing world and turn into a robot.  It's a trick I learnt when I was very young.  But even when I become robotic and I am staring into nothingness there is still something happening in my head.  Something much more serious and spellbinding.

Administrative work is very conducive towards my creativity.  Even though from the outside it might look as if I am in a zombified coma... there is more happening behind my glazed glass eyes.

I suppose it's similar to when cats stare into nothingness.  Their eyes can see things we can't.  They stare at the light reflecting off pieces of dust.  That's what my creative process is made out of.


Simple... isn't it?


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