Monday, 23 February 2015

13 - 17 February

13th - 15th February

Arrival in Germany on the previous evening for the festival of Koln and to attend a "stag do" of a friend.  Flown back on Sunday.  Would rather call it something other than a stag do.. the term has always been offensive to me.  Maybe it's because it is so blokey.  I managed to avoid doing any blokey things thankfully and actually had a very nice time and didn't display any cynicism or upset throughout the whole journey back and forth.  Had a very nice time, was very hungover on Sunday.  My sleep deprivation made Dusseldorf airport very exciting.  Like being inside a futuristic space station.  It was interesting to be adrift from all forms of social media and it was very nice to see my friend.  The lowest point of my happiness is possibly photographed below:


16th - 17 February ---------------------------- A day off work to acclimatize back into the UK and then a day back to work with 3 days worth of work saved up creating me more work at work (how many times can I say work in a sentence).  Also at home more art/design work accumulates = the counterfeit filling of past diary pages + the organization of jpegs + lots of staring at walls analyzing my mission statement, motives, purpose + predilections + predictions.
Room for emotion within this organizational period?

Not really.  Thankfully I managed to get most things done.  All the things were crossed off the list. Though the image above shows them as not uncrossed.  This is just another example of my temporal inconsistency in regards to this particular project.  

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