26th- 26th January
A sign of a tough monday if the only image I have the effort to make is a wonky legged scribble.
pERHAPS the reason i haven't done a drawing on Monday is to show off how clean AND tidy i AM. Anyone who has been to my place knows that this is a joke. Though it's good to show that I have at least the aspiration to be tidy. If I didn't write down reminders for myself to tidy up I simply wouldn't do it. Then you end up in a big stupid pile of mess.
These two days were tainted by a small but significant cloud of worry and actual tangible annoyances.
"Please turn to page 17 section 1.3 and complete the questionnaire."
Results are now in:
"You have scored 13.4% on your Mindfulness Test on the 26th January 2015. You need at least 65% to qualify. I hope this does not discourage you from retaking the test at a later date when you are less perturbed by the difficulties of life. We recommend meditation and to kneel in subservience to the Ascended Masters."

ding ding ding -
I have been reduced into repetitive code and formula.
=IF(D51="s","100","200")=IF=P52+M52/24=VLOOKUP(J55,'mapping table'!A:E,5,FALSE)
Simmons | Garth | OUCH! |

Not famous quotes
Garth Simmons 26 - 27 February 2015
28th January followed by the 29th January (soon to be followed again the 30th and 31st and 32nd... no wait... that's not right. Somehow, that just isn't right.)
I've not written much about my actual artwork for a while. Artwork is what this blog is meant to be about. Originally this blog was started as a way of writing about the development of my first solo exhibition and since that finished I've just used to it write about any other artwork and progressively it became more and more a place where I could write about whatever happened to pop into my head. Now I tend to do that on Facebook status updates so the purpose of this blog is to write things that less people are going to immediately read. So there is less censorship and more waffling but it is still used as a place for people to find out about my actual artwork. So should I now define what my actual artwork is? I've done that before and it's quite helpful for marketing purposes etc but you can only say the same thing a few times. So as a creative person it's best to use this outlet for writing creatively. Everything I do should in essence be creative whether it's the way I dress, speak, write or make artwork. So all actions are in some way linked towards my artwork. The more integrated into the world I am the more creative I become and the more able I am to be creative, rather than seperating my art into tiny rectangles all things that are me should be my artwork. This means I have a large amount of creative output but on the negative side (though I see it as a positive) there is little room for intricacy or careful thought. This is the way it's been my entire life, everyday this is what I have done. To the point where I have reached where i am now through emotion, intuition and clumsiness. Three significant events have happened to me:
1: I was born.
2: I stumbled about for 33 years
3: I arrived here.
I suppose I should congratulate my operating system for all the hard work it has been doing. Though it does let me down sometimes perhaps it is letting me down deliberately. "No Garth, I won't let you do that. I have calculated that future events will fall into place better if you fail at everything for the next 3 years."
My operating system also writes me lots of to do lists to complete... or perhaps I am writing them for my operating system. Perhaps the line between me and the operating system is a bit blurred and I have more responsibility over my actions than I would like to admit. Now that is a scary thought. Am I the operating system? Sometimes I feel like an operating system. If I am the operating system then who is me? This is very confusing. No wonder my drawings in my diary aren't so good this week. There is no one in the pilot seat.
: :::::::::::: :30th - 1st February: :::::::::::: :
My least favourite type of employment is working in a call centre. Thankfully these days my day job is administration which is much easier. However, one of the highlights of working in a call centre is that all day your hands are free to do lots of crazed doodling, which as an admin person you simply don't have time to do. Compare the drawing above, on the left, to the drawing below.
One is an admin drawing and the other is a call centre drawing. The difference is very obvious. Is it worth working in a mundane job if it produces better, more patient and time consuming artwork?
This week has definitely not been patient. I've simply been drawing for a few minutes and then thinking "that will do, whatever, I've managed to fill that page of diary suffiently".
I'm not sure if it's the cold but I've just not got the enthusiasm to create directly. Usually these things happen in obsessive waves and I think I'm going through a less than obsessive wave.
On the plus side. Look at the right page which symbolizes my weekend. Look at all of those tasks crossed off my list. The operating system really did it's job this weekend. We worked well together.
February $nd to February £rd
I have spent most of my subconscious time wondering how much money I am going to make in the near future. This is what art looks like when you are motivated solely by money.
I promise I will start doing proper drawings again on my next blog entry and hopefully some new pieces of artwork. In the meantime, here are some photos:
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